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Welcome ♥
Stay happy always(: You'll never know what's going to happen next. My tagboard is at the extreme bottom by the way(:

The Spotlight ♥
i love GOD, my family/friends. I like talking to people about random stuff and i seldom follow deadlines. I want to be a stomach doctor in the future cos i always have stomachaches. i get overly happy sometimes when its really worth it but i dont get overly sad unless something big happened. I dont normally forget my friends so my friendships with them are kind of like a lifelong thing(: I love the show "crimminal minds" and if you know me im sure you cant agree more. and if you really know me really well, i dont think you need furthur intro of myself. But if you dont, i dont want to introduce furthur cos im tired of typing.

Links ♥
Links to be added.
sc guides:D
Pei Wen:D
Jia Yin:D
Kah Whai:D
Rachel K:D

memories ♥
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007

Layout ♥
© Designer: syaira
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Host: Blogger
Saturday, December 22, 2007

havent postes in ages:D

Here's my new livejournal:http://tingtingtoh.livejournal.com, with its default skin(:


Sunday, December 09, 2007
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." Ecclesiates 3:11

Having started my day with this meaningful verse introduced by the pastor this morning, i begin to look back on my life to see again all the things that i have succeeded in and failed in as well as the blessings given to me these years. I remember i did a quiz and one of the qns asked if i was afraid of Death and i answered a sure yes. But today, i was reminded again by the Gospel that death does not mark the end of life. Earth is only our temporary home anyway.

NEmation came to an end only just recently and i must admit i do miss the food they provided for and also the pple there:D Jem, Teen and Jo celebrated my birthday with me and I was really surprised by what those 3 can do.. :D tmr's the film symposium.

mental block..i need to sleep and pray and thank GOD for my loved ones(:

Saturday, December 01, 2007
I hope I can wake up early for church tomorrow.

I cant help but feel as if the holidays are still not here yet as i reach home at 8 plus everyday from monday to friday. its kinda scary when i start dreaming about photoshop and tab whenever im asleep..the whole NEmation thing is really occupying a large space in my brain these days. Im currently reading "Kane & Abel" by Jeffery Archer..and its actually quite good(considering how i continued reading the book even after 20 mins:D) the plot's not too complicated and the events happening inside relate very well(:

Been extremely busy with the NEmation thing(2 weeks alrd!) and therefore could not make time for the Film Club activities): hope they did well today for the presentation, and another presentation coming up on 10/11 december.. (:

And..I finally thought of a nice gift for 2 of my friends!(who had their birthdays a long long time ago) its practical and lasting and nice to look at and useful and..okay.

Homework homework
Burning bright
Its so sad I
See you every night

toby's sterilised and healthy! He's happier too and tame (:
I Love toby the terrier(ttt) okay being random-_-

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Which is the BEST class in the whole world?
5JOY'03/6JOY'04 !!
that feeling's coming back. the same feeling i got after our party at Zakiah's hse in p6 after receiving the PSLE results..I missed all my friends and all the things that we do together:D how time flies..its been THREE years since we actually came together as a class..the reunion seemed to pass by so quickly too! i felt as it suddenly all my good friends "appeared" and then "disappeared" so quickly)): its too bad we dont get to meet up as often as we want. anyway, the reunion was truly a success as more than half the class turned up! hahaha. we ate pizza and even celebrated charlotte's birthday((:!most of us became more mature but somehow no one said i changed! they all said I remained the same like in p6! pffft. Ive changed okayy! Hahaha:D i felt really touched when we started talking about our primary 6 times..like how each of us behaved in the past..and my "one/ten million years later" quote thing..Hahah! quite surprised that jill actually remembered though.. heehee! and Zak was being really kind to let us use her house and all..second year alrd! haha it was really fun talking to Ee ming cos she was really excited abt the whole reunion thing and couldnt pronounce her words properly:D haha it was really fun and LOUD. especially when Gloria started getting excited and all..HAha(: and jaslynn! she didnt eat the salad cos she thought I made it); sigh..but anyway, got to catch up with her and Shuwen whilst feltching them home..shuwen and i really had quite alot to talk about so we kept talking in the car during the long long ride to her house(: okay i think michelle made the most memorable impression when she came in cos she kicked me the moment she saw me..hmphD: hahaha.(: oh! and claire still remembers my little finger! haha funny..the story started way backk in primary school:D heh heh. Pamela and Rachel were really funny..like talking to me about heights -_-" and also discussing about who's cute and later decided that everyone was cute((: hahaha..was really GLAD to see Lynette and Jeyanthi..they're still so funny and cartoony like in primary school..haha jeyanthi thought i drew a butterfly on her arm in primary school but i said that it was actually an ant -_-"! hahahaha. okay.
talked to Arielle about the birthday present thing..and found out also about what she likes as well..((: and yes, Ben is taller than me now >:( haha! oh well.

we played the "huh-what" game which was quite fun at first but became boring after like a few minutes..and i kept forgetting that ee ming is infront of me so i kept skipping her turn! oh mann hahaha..it all started when Jill saw the programme planned for peer support(behind the namelist) and then they asked what was ice breakers and energizers and all..so..haha ok.

i really really miss primary school and would really want to go back to those good times..but, everyone has to continue with their life course.(: yeah, i still want to be a doctor, that never changed..since primary sch:D

cant wait for the audio recording of the NEmation song! *excited*

Things I'll definitely miss abt 6JOY:
1. The way they call my name<3 face="arial" color="#ffcc66">2. how everyone can still gel together even after we havent seen each other for a long time(especially for me, zak and shuwen<3)
3. how the different personality types in our class still blend together..
4. the fact that most of us actually remembers the stuff we did together
5. the way we always encourage each other(which contributed alot to me being optimistic and resilient now)
6. how we crack jokes to create happiness((:
7. lastly, our laughter, which sounds so nice and sweet

hopefully, there'll be another reunion in 3 years time! when we're 18!! :D yayye

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Sec 3 is definitely the most tumultuous year among my other years of living so far.. it seems as though my life is getting more "rigorous" as i grow older :S i guess its the same for everyone. oh well. i cant wait to see what i'll be like in 50 years:Dmust eat vegetables to live longer..

Toby is going crazy lately and its most probably because of his hormonal instincts(?) in him..so we'll have to sterilize him soon..its been a hard decision in the past but its really the best choice for him to make his life better..and longer(: Work experience and NEmation are going to occupy a huge space in my holidays, again cutting short of the time i have left to do my sch work or homework): this week was supposed to be holidays but Ive been going to sch everyday except on Tues when we went to Jo's hse for project:D I love our NEmation clip! its so creative with the song((: recording next Tuesday..so excited:) and my long-awaited P6 reunion is finally taking place THIS FRIDAY! wooh! i miss all my friends((: primary sch rocks la

Today, Teen came to my house! haha Toby kept staring at teen while she ate her apple so teen kept feeding him the apple and in the end i think she only ate like 1/3 of it xD My hse is very messy): newspapers and other objects lying arnd..anyway, teen coming over was fun! shuld do that again sometime with more people:D ahhh my hse is so far away frm most of my friends D: sad.

okay..im exhausted, no more fuel alrd.

but i shall end with my new love: Soyabean ice cream<3
and my rekindled love: Carpenters & Backstreet boys (:

whooh! i finished the score for the NEmation song:D yay can sing.


Thursday, November 01, 2007
Comforting someone.
Its always easy and normal for someone to say nice encouraging words to a lost/depressed individual. such situations are common, also often taken for granted. Well, sometimes when the rational in the brain dont concur with the feelings of the heart, some may feel totally lost(within themselves). And for this, the "comforter" would have to dig deeper, much much deeper. So deep, that nothings is done in the end. Surprisingly, that's what helps.

xD im confusing others.

and i just realised that since i dont normally turn on the speaker while on the com, i sort of forget that i actually have a song on my blog:D

had peer support training today after the chinese 'O' level paper(which by the way was okay, excluding the fact that i lost one mark just by writing a word wrongly in paper 1 and only learned of it during paper 2 while i was reading the compre passage:{ ). the sec2s were really good, really disciplined. and my junior!! im not sure if i can post her name here but she's really cool and nice((:and warm fuzzies was very fun! haha got to poke holes onto other peoples' backs xD which was very mean of meD: hahaha but its still fun :D

cant wait for my theory exam!..to be over

its 1am now..and im still chatting))); im so sorry to my poor eyesD: sigh

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I wanna love, I wanna leave
I Want You To Love Me
I want you To Leave me
I Wanna Stand Where I Can See
I’m Watching you Love Me
I’m Watching You Leavin Me Now

I Wish I Could Be Somebody Else
I Wish I Could See You In Myself
Wish there Was Something Inside MeTo Keep You Beside Me
Say What You Really Feel
You Know I Need Something That’s Real
I Wish there Was Something Inside Me
To Keep You Beside Me

I Wanna Know If I Could Be
Someone to Turn To That Could Never Hurt You
But I Know What You Think Of Me
Yea, You Had a Breakthrough
And Now I’m Just Bad News For You

I Wish I Could Be Somebody Else
I Wish I Could See You In Myself
Wish there Was Something Inside Me
To Keep You Beside Me
Say What You Really Feel
You Know I Need Something That’s Real
I Wish there Was Something Inside Me
To Keep You Beside Me
I Should’ve Told You Everything
I Never Gave You Anything
I Should’ve Told You Everything

If I Could Give You Anything
You Know I’d Tell You Everything
I Wish I Could Be Somebody Else
I Wish I Could See You In Myself
Wish there Was Something Inside Me
To Keep You Beside Me And
Say What You Really Feel
You Know I Need Something That’s Real
Wish there Was Something Inside Me
To Keep You Beside Me
I Should’ve Told You Everything


today we did recycling. everyone is SO tired..walking up and down carrying stacks of dirty newspapers can really be a good fat burner:D but, it sure needs alot of stamina..oh well, yesterday was quite exciting as Lynn Lee came to our school to meet the film club girls since she was really grateful for our help in publicising her documentary:D got an autograph frm her and everyone felt really honoured meeting her((: the money that we raised would go to the education fund in cambodia:D we did charity((: haha..ok got back report bks today and some people were happy while others are sad): This all seems as though its a vicious cycle. tests and examinations D: okay. ah..the guides south zone competition is in 2 days! and my grp's not even prepared yet..hmm:/

Tips when using the MRT/LRT:
1. at the control station, while you're heading to the door where you scan your E-Z link, stretch out your hand to scan your card while your legs walk to the door/gate. this way, you dont have to stop and scan since you get to scan the card before you reach the door(by stretching your arms) Also help train for sit-and-reach.

2. as the train comes, stand at the corner of the door so that peple can come out quickly, but stand in such a position that you are close to the side of the door so you can slide in as soon as the people have come out. (sliding in might require certain level of skill, can consult me..HAHA)

3. when you get in the train, stand at the part at the middle of the two rows of seats. this is better than when you stand where there are no seats at all arnd you. this is because, when someone leaves their seat, you ahve a higher chance of getting a seat since you're nearer the seat(: of course, please look arnd for those people who might need the seat more and offer it to them:D

okay, that's all. yes, im very sleepy, and bored.